Impact Video - UFV and ARF Empowering Persons With Albinism (Part 1 of 2)

With support from the Fund for Innovation and Transformation, the University of the Fraser Valley &​ Albinism Royal Foundation tested a solution to empower women and girls with albinism, as well as women with children with albinism in Sierra Leone.

Women and girls, who experience marginalization and stigmatization, have been empowered to be leaders, role models, and advocates for the rights of persons with albinism and gender equality. The project has focused on building women’s and girls’ skills in advocacy and leadership, secure livelihoods, and financial literacy.

The experiences of these women and their families have been captured through the use of participatory tools and approaches such as photovoice and digital storytelling. Telling their own stories (including successes and challenges), and sharing them with policymakers, government officials, community leaders, law enforcement bodies, schools, health workers, business leaders, and other NGOs and donors can build a better and a more equitable future for all persons with albinism.

This video is PART 1 of 2 and was prepared by Mediaset Africa, with the participation of University of the Fraser Valley and the Albinism Royal Foundation project participants in Sierra Leone.

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