Byuka Bakobwa (Wake Up Girls!)

  • Sustainable Development Goal :5 - Gender Equality
  • Gender Equality Marker :Gender Transformative (GE3)
  • Testing Country :Rwanda
  • Testing Period :14 months
  • Amount :$235,000

L’AMIE is testing an innovative solution which aims to foster more equitable access to non-traditional professional training for young girls who have been survivors of gender-based violence by providing a safe and empowering environment. To achieve this, they receive financial support for the training, as well as for their basic needs (child support, health care). They are accompanied by women mentors who work in the same areas and receive psychosocial support for the prevention of GBV, including training on sexual and reproductive health. After their training, the girls are set up in cooperatives. Activities are also organized with targeted groups (employers, male counterparts) to raise awareness in the community about the participation of girls in non-traditional training and jobs.

Innovator Video

Canadian SMO : L'AMIE
Local Partner(s) : Centre Marembo
Region : Africa
Theme : Education

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